Business and Working License

As Ulus Mühendislik Çevre Danışmanlık Eğitim İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Ltd. Şti., we obtain your business and work license with carrying out all the necessary work with our expert staff, by physical examination and information/document control at your facility, for the business and working license that your facility must obtain from the relevant municipality.

Non-Sanitary Enterprise Licenses are among the documents that must be obtained before opening a workplace within the scope of the Regulation on Business and Working Licenses, published in the Official Gazette dated 10.08.2005 and numbered 25902.

License Class

Authorized Organization


  1. Class GSMR

Metropolitan Municipality

Workplaces that must be kept away from dwelling

  1. Class GSMR

District Municipality

Although it is not necessary to be removed from the dwellings, workplaces need to be examined to be convinced that it will not cause any harm to the health and rest of the people living in the vicinity before permission is granted.

  1. Class GSMR

District Municipality

Workplaces that do not necessarily have to be removed from the dwellings, but need to be examined to ensure that they will not cause any harm to the rest of those residing in the vicinity before the permit is granted.

As shown in the table above, 1st class Non-Sanitary Enterprise Licenses are obtained from metropolitan municipalities and 2nd and 3rd class ones from district municipalities. Only the workplaces within the boundaries of the organized industrial zone are obliged to obtain a business license and a working license from the management of the organized industrial zone.

Some of our services in this field are as follows:

  • Receiving the Fire Brigade Report
  • Environmental Risk Analysis
  • Obtaining the Operating Certificate
  • Preparation of the machine layout plan
  • Preparation of License Projects
  • Site Selection and Facility Permit
  • Obtaining the Capacity Report